
Monday, 21 October 2013

Testing, Testing.

On Fridays, I volunteer at a Special Needs school and I then go to Brownies. My day is long, unpredictable and varies from week to week. The average day looks something like this:

6am: Alarm goes off. I have a quick look at my Sleep Cycle graph for the night and get up, then grab my diabetes bag off my cabinet and check my blood sugar (test strip #1, 5.8) and then bolus for breakfast before getting dressed.

6.20am: I grab some cereal and pack my bag for the day - lunch, Brownie uniform, skittles/glucose tabs, cereal bars, uni reading for the bus journey.

6.45am: I walk to the bus station to get the 7.10 bus.

8.30am: My friend picks me up from the bus station of the town of the school and drives me the rest of the way.

8.50am: I arrive at school and check my blood sugar before the children start arriving at 9am (test strip #2, 13.9) - I'm happy with this, as I prefer to avoid going low whilst working. 

9.30am: The class have arrived and we head down to the sports hall for PE. 

10.30am: It's break time for me. I check my blood (test strip #3, 8.3) and have half a granola bar to make sure I don't drop before lunch.

10.45am: Outdoor play with the class.

11.30am: ICT.

12.15pm: Lunch time! Pasta brought from home and the other half of my granola bar (test strip #4, 11.3).

12.45pm: Outdoor play again.

1.30pm: Time for the afternoon to start - music, sensory games and assembly. Busy, busy, busy!

3.15pm: End of the day. All the children have left, so all that's left to do is tidy the classroom!

3.30pm: Check bloods to make sure I'm good for the journey home (test strip #5, 5.6).

5.15pm: Arrive at Brownies. Check blood (test strip 6#, 5.9) I snack, bolus and change into my Brownie polo shirt.

8pm: Home from Brownies! Usually starving at this point, so dinner! (Test strip #7, 5.7).

9.30pm: Levemir time. Check sugars at the same time (test strip #8, 9.2).

11pm: Bed! Standard check of blood glucose before letting sleep take over (test strip #9, 10.5).

Image taken from Google Images.
Okay, Fridays are particularly busy days for me, but that's nine blood sugar tests, and that's without feeling low, or high or wanting to eat at other odd times throughout the day.

Today at 4.30pm I have a telephone consultation with a GP from my practise to discuss the cut in the amount of test strips I can have. This will be the day that I tell them about. How can I be responsible for the children at the school or at Brownies if I can't know where I'm at with my diabetes?!

This is my main argument, and thanks to the DOC, I have a whole host of other arguments up my sleeve too if it comes to it. 

I'm not backing down on this one!  

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