
Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Slowing Down.

The aim of the game this Easter break? 

Slowing down!

Like, wayyyy down!

After a very busy semester at university, it's time to get back to me once more.

After main-lining coffee (the caffeinated stuff) for the last two weeks, it's time to slowly work my way back to decaf.

My nails have been bitten to buggery as a result of stress, so it's time to give them some TLC.

Better food choices need to happen now I have no deadlines: sitting at my desk writing essays means copious amounts of coffee and biscuits. It's time to eat real meals again. 

Sleep like a normal human being! Again, main-lining coffee and being up until stupid times writing essays means my body-clock is so out of whack right now. Time to rectify that!

Catch up with my family and friends. Although I went back to Mum and Dad's only a couple of weeks ago, still having deadlines meant that my head wasn't 100% there. Now, I can devote time to them, as well as catch up with my friends abroad, whose emails have been responded to with something along the lines of "Hi, I'm hyped up on caffeine finishing off my dissertation and don't even resemble an actual human being right now. I will reply properly as soon as I feel human once more."

Reconnect online. I feel like I've been out of the DOC for a while now, even though I know it's only been a couple of weeks. But it's become so incredibly useful when it comes to my diabetes management that I need to get reacquainted once more. (So, hi there!)

I'm looking forward to a slow couple of weeks.

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