
Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Sometimes... is my fault.

For the last week, I've been battling countless high blood sugars. My day of diabetes is a good example of what I've been dealing with. 

The change of routine that comes with being back at my Mum and Dad's usually leaves me running a little higher than I'd like, but, normally, upping my basal sorts things out nicely for the few weeks I'm back for. 

I've been upping my basal for the last 7 days. I also upped my mealtime ratios when my increased basal didn't seem to be doing anything to bring my blood sugars down, and still I was seeing numbers above 15mmol after meals. Not every meal, but the majority, and poor Lizzie got the brunt of my frustrations. (Sorry, sugar!)

Then, yesterday, I had a light bulb moment. This time last week, I changed my insulin cartridge. And that's also when the 'high' highs started. So, before going out yesterday morning, I changed my insulin cartridge, and for the rest of the day I was greeted with numbers no higher than 12mmol.

Lots of this disease is out of my control - I do all I can to keep my blood sugars within my target range and I carb count to the best of my ability to match my insulin dose to the food I'm eating. I exercise regularly in the hope that it will help me hone in on better control.

But a dodgy insulin cartridge?!

Yeah, that one's on me, not my diabetes.  


  1. my bloods have been ridiculous since i came home and all Ive had is stick from my parents! Pleased im not the only one :'(

    Alice xxx

  2. It's a nightmare! Looking forward to the more regular routine when I'm back at uni. Glad that changing the insulin cartridge has made my levels closer to "within range" though! Just wish I'd realised that link sooner! Lesson learnt!
