
Friday, 16 May 2014

Diabetes Blog Week: Day 5 - Diabetes Life Hacks.

Share the (non-medical) tips and tricks that help you in the day-to-day management of diabetes. Tell us everything from clothing modifications, serving size/carb counting tricks to the tried and true Dexcom-in-a-glass trick or the "secret" to turning Medtronic Pump's backlight when not on the home-screen (scroll to the bottom of this post). Please remember to give non-medical advice only!

After an evening of travelling from my uni home to my Mum and Dad's, I can finally get up today's Blog Week post (albeit a bit late!)

Diabetes life hacks.

I can't say I have all that many, if I'm honest. Although, having spent the most part of my journey this evening reading posts for this prompt, I think it's safe to say that there are a lot of hacks I will be trying when I start on my insulin pump. 

At present though, this is what I can offer you:

  • Alarms: I'm reliant on them. I have an alarm that goes of at 9.30pm every night, which is when I take my Levemir injection and I've also activated the reminder alarms on my meter - if my blood sugar clocks in at above 14mmol, my meter will alarm an hour later to remind me to re-test. Likewise, with low blood sugars, my meter will alarm after 15 minutes to get me to re-check my blood sugar and make sure I'm back within range.
  • Carbs & Cals: I have both the Carbs & Cals book and app on my phone, and I wouldn't be without either. It's great to be able to refer to, especially when eating out, and weighing out exact portions just isn't possible.
  • Glucotabs in the plastic tubes: Yes, they're pricier, but knowing that my diabetes paraphernalia goes from my handbag to my uni bag to my gym bag to whatever-other-bag-I-wish-to-use, I want to know that my glucose tablets aren't going to disintegrate. So, I fork out the extra money for the ones in a plastic tube. 
  • Easy-to-grab diabetes supplies: From September 2012 through to August 2013, I travelled a lot - I was on my year abroad and I also ventured Stateside for a two week holiday with my family. Airport queues are often long, and no one wants to be that person that's holding everyone else up. Travelling with diabetes means that I may well be that person that holds up everyone else (my carry on does always contain needles, after all) so to make airport security as quick and easy as possible, I keep all diabetes supplies in one clear bag that I can then show security. No rummaging in my bag for each individual item.

To read more posts for day five of diabetes blog week, you can find a link list here  


  1. In the U.S., you can start with a plastic tube of glucose tabs then re-fill it from a bigger bottle. Don't know if you can find that where you're at but it might help. :)

  2. Yes, I've recently discovred that I can order a bottle of 50 online straight from the supplier and refill the little tubes that you can buy at the pharmacy! Not come across bottles of 50 over the counter though. Thank you so much for this tip!

  3. Vicky thank you for all the posts last week,I really enjoyed them

    1. Thanks, Gareth, that's great to hear!
