
Monday, 2 February 2015


So, this happened:

"It's oddly satisfying when the insulin left in my pump is at zero on cartridge change day"

Insulin isn't something I take for granted. I'm so extremely lucky to have access to it. All I have to do is go to the doctor, put in a repeat prescription, allow 48 hours for the doctor to process it and get it to the pharmacy and then pick it up. Same routine for my test strips, lancets, needles for my insulin pens.

And I don't have to pay, thanks to my medical exemption card.

Insulin isn't a luxury, it's necessary to live.

The Spare a Rose campaign is live once again. The concept is SO simple: one rose costs about $5 (so, what £3.50 roughly?!). Buy your loved one one less rose this Valentines' Day, and donate that money to Spare a Rose. That money provides one months' worth of insulin through the IDF's Life for a Child programme. One month of life. Your loved one still get flowers (or whatever else you choose to buy them - I feel I should make it clear that this concept isn't exclusive to those who buy flowers!) and at the same time you help a child.

So let's share the love this Valentines Day, and help spread the word.

Spare a rose, save a child.

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